Saturday, April 19, 2014

Day 99: Busy Busy

Gosh, it's been two weeks since my last post. I couldn't help it; I was busy working on lab reports and homework. I haven't been able to get out much as a result. But I was able to try some new foods. I had fried chicken that was pressure cooked so that even the bones were edible. That was quite interesting. I had some kind of fish called a garoupa, which may just be Singapore's spelling of grouper. And today I tried fried giant squid.

I HAD planned on taking a trip to Vietnam, but I threw that out the window when I didn't do as well on a quiz as I would have liked. With exams starting in a little over a week, I decided to make use of the dead week to get extra help and study. Unfortunately, this means I wasted a fairly significant chunk of money... I feel a little guilty about that, but I consider it a small price to pay compared to what would happen if I screws up on my finals. I mean, final exams here make up more than half your total grade.

It probably worked out for the best, anyway. My monthly gift arrived, and the last thing I want is to be keeled over with pain while in an unfamiliar place. Well, maybe I'll try to slip in one more trip to Malaysia before I head home.

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