Later on, I paid some money to have my picture taken with a python. The man was nice enough to take a bunch of photos with several poses, and he even gave me a discount! He used my video camera to do it, so all of them are digital. Here's one of them.
Don't worry, my life was not in any danger! The snake was probably well-fed and had no need to constrict me. I bet my mom will flip out when she sees this, though!
When I was done with pictures, I traveled to Underwater World Singapore, where I got to view plenty of fish, rays and sharks. I also got to watch a dolphin and fur seal show! It was a lot of fun! Afterwards, I experienced a spa treatment called fish reflexology. You put your feet into a tank filled with dozens of Turkish doctor fish, and they eat off your dead skin cells. It doesn't hurt, but it sure as heck tickles! I had to use all of my willpower to not burst out laughing and kicking. I wanted to get my money's worth, and scaring the poor fish wouldn't help. Did it do any good? I don't know, but since I only paid $S6 for it (it was discounted because I had an Underwater World Singapore ticket), it's okay either way.